„Room in a room“ as a personal museum and picture of inspiration

„Room in a room“ as a personal museum and picture of inspiration

Marta Botíková

On Saturday 27 June 2015 pictures „painted“ by wire were revived in front of the exhibition opening attendants in the Museum of the Slovak Village in Martin, in the beautiful, white, transparent space of the Necpaly complex. The wire objects were based on drawings more than 35 years old. They came from a sketchbook of Julia Griffiths-Jones, author of the current exhibition, a Welsh visual artist and university teacher who had visited Slovakia many years ago on a 6 months study stay and had been coming back since.

The exhibition, transferred from Martin to the Museum of the Orava Village in Zuberec in August, was the culmination of a project in which the author intended to create an illusion of peasant room furnishings through wire objects in a room of a museum complex. The project has an overbridging character, similarly as her work. Whichever way you look, interesting pictures and scenes are intersected in the space. One can see the intersection of the world of a Welsh peasant or miner household, with the suggestion of woven textiles, on the one hand, and a Slovak peasant house dominated by eiderdowns wrapped up in covers with abundant decoration, on the other one.