Iron forged angel
Iron forged angel
40,10 €
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Since childhood, he has been drawn to creating with his hands. His grandfather, whom he never met, was reportedly a blacksmith. Despite completing secondary school and then six semesters of metallurgical university, fate eventually led him to the craft. Blacksmithing captured his interest in 1982, he decided to make a living from it, and he continues to do so to this day. After gaining experience in a production blacksmithing cooperative, he has been an independent blacksmith for thirty years.
In his own work (his pieces are mostly sculptures and candle holders, as well as fireplace tools), he is not attracted to realistic blacksmith expressions. He draws the most inspiration from folk art, using a variety of materials and techniques, particularly from its rough and imperfect expression, which he transforms into a minimalist artistic signature.
In 2013, he was awarded the title of master of folk art production.