Living Memory – A Digital Future

Living Memory – A Digital Future

Mária Fulková

There is no doubt that our traditional crafts are popular abroad. Clear testimony to this assertion could be, for example, Norwegian students of textile design who became very much interested in our blueprint, eagerly visiting Slovakia to learn more about this craft. They were jointed by masters from Norwey of old Norwegian jewellery and textile technologies who came to teach our students their craft. Cooperation between a Norwegian university, Høgskolen i Sørøst Norge (which translates as the University in South-eastern Norway), and the Department of Textiles at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (VŠVU) is long-term, taking the form of mutual hosting of Norwegian and Slovak lecturers, as well as students on placements. This year, the cooperation continues by the Living Memory – A Digital Future project. Its aim is to keep Slovak and Norwegian cultural heritage alive, namely that of textile and jewellery crafts, and make them compatible with contemporary design, processed digitally. Thanks to these projects, the students had an opportunity to exchange visits between their universities and, direct on their respective campuses, learn about old technologies, such as forging, blueprint, simple frame loom weaving, and lace making. It goes without saying that the students could as well try their hand at the above crafts.