Blue-print pattern book – 11 double sheets, 63 samples, 1 cover

Blue-print pattern book – 11 double sheets, 63 samples, 1 cover

Blue-print pattern book – 11 double sheets, 63 samples, 1 cover

patterns and decoration
List vzorkovníka: width = 25.0 cm; List vzorkovníka: length = 40.0 cm
About product

Sampler sheet: double-sided pressed cardboard 1. front side: Entire area vertically divided into two sections depicting two different borders: on the left wide band with four stylized leaves with a thick irregular contour adorned with dots and spirals. On the right: narrower border with a wavy strip of flowers in negative color. Flowers and leaves dotted. Number 5 pasted in the upper left corner, number 6 pasted in the upper right corner. 2. back side: Entire area vertically divided into two sections with border patterns: on the left vertical zigzag, alongside a strip of flowers with bold outlines. On the right strip of stylized large flowers made of dots and lines, on the right side double wave. Number 7 pasted in the upper left corner, number 8 pasted in the upper right corner.