Craft and design as separate issues in the training of designers

Craft and design as separate issues in the training of designers

René Baďura, Karolína Štefániková, Matej Záborský

At the department of furniture design and interior of the Technical University in Zvolen, we have been looking at the issue of the relation between craft and design for more than a decade. This area is of interest to us from several perspectives. For example, as a constant source of inspiration which should be analysed, monitored, preserved and transformed. It is our local DNA, which in today’s globalised world where impersonal products are mass produced for huge markets can be an incredibly valuable enrichment, an identification with the space and values which it provokes. Craft, craft work and hand-made work have a value, because they are a reflection of people and their wisdom gained over many generations. This activity is not anchored in time and is not invariable. It is a living process which naturally blends in with the present day. We try to show our students – future designers – the opportunities offered by this unique phenomenon.