Easter eggs – new inspirations

Easter eggs – new inspirations

Ingrid Abrahamfyová

In 2010, internet magazine femme.sk announced the zero year of the EX OVO competition the purpose of which was to revive traditional inspirations and transport them into contemporary design. More than thirty Easter eggs registered. Around one thousand readers of the magazines voted for the best Easter egg. A panel of expert judges made a selection in the first official year of the competition. Jewellery designer Daniela Mládenková won the category of professional designers. Third year students of industrial design at the Secondary private school of design Marko Moro and Klára Bôbiková dominated the students category. Readers were again involved into the competition and voted for the best one – jewellery designer Lucia Bartková and student Juliána Bučková were the winners. Concept author Ingrid Abarahamfyová organises the presentation of EX OVO competition works in the Design Studio ÚĽUV in Bratislava, Slovakia and in Menton, France.