Jarmila Pechová
Crafts and handmade production were previously an expanded form of earnings or a way to earn extra income, particularly in the less fertile areas of Moravia. After World War II, this activity was organized for many years through the Centre for Folk Art Production, which was responsible for the rescuing several craft workshops and maintained many traditional technologies, in the period of collectivization and nationalization. Over time, however, ÚLUV was viewed by many experts as an institution that had already served its purpose, and despite the efforts of others to save it, it folded in 1995. In the first years, it caused great problems for many of its former employees and they were forced to the situation.
The age of today’s producers is very diverse. They are often the descendants of families engaged in craft production. Regarding the qualifications of today’s manufacturers, proper training is found mainly in the fields of metal and wood processing, and optionally in leather. Others attended training or various courses. Often the production of their new manufacturers moved to other, non-traditional sites. Manufacturers started using new, previously unknown materials, advanced technology, and in some places, the range of products was modified to make it more suited to current needs. Many people who had learned a craft, became independent and active. The craft became the main source of livelihood for them. Others only take it as an additional income. Almost all traditional materials used in manufacturing are represented. The best manufacturers, who draw on tradition, benefit from the annual valuation of the title, Commander of the Tradition in Folk Handicrafts, which, since 2001, has been awarded by the Minister of Culture.