Viera Kleinová
The competition Rings in Water, in its 8th year, was open to the Slovak and Czech participants in its divisions (Section A – designers, producers, artists, university students, Section B – high school students) a section focusing on souvenir product was added. This quantitatively less represented year was marked by the balanced participation of students and professionals, with a predominance of works of wood and textiles. The two-round evaluation process brought more than half of the participants – from 112 authors (of 318 products) as part of the exhibition (and catalog) became the 55 authors with 136 works. The jury awarded a total of 9 prizes, 2 recognitions and also used their right in some categories to award no prizes at all. The announcing of results and the exhibition took place in the Gallery Satellite SCD. Photographs and a text report concerning the awarded works is being brought to our readers.