The development of crafts, guilds, self-employment using the example of textile production

The development of crafts, guilds, self-employment using the example of textile production

Lenka Pajer

The wealth of natural resources in Slovakia, as well as its geographic location, were significant favourable conditions for the development of crafts. The need to dress and protect one’s body from climatic conditions goes far back to prehistoric times, when it was part of the struggle for survival, not the need to appeal. As human kind evolved and with the development of manual skills, however, there was room for other needs, too. As early as in the 6th and 7th centuries, weaving was well developed in Slovakia. This home-made production was the domain of women, both modest and rich. From the 9th to 12th centuries, textile production was concentrated in the feudal seat, but we cannot yet talk of a specific craft and crafts persons. Change in Hungarian society in the 13th century also contributed to the growth of crafts involving textile and clothing production. The break-up of royal courts also led to the break-up of settlements. There were movements of crafts persons, some of whom settled in villages under castles, where local markets were held. They had the opportunity here to sell their products and increased their production. This is how larger economic centres and towns with specialised craft production began to appear. It is during this period that we can talk of the foundation of an independent craft, which was completely separate from agricultural production.