Cows, goats and other animals

Cows, goats and other animals

Editorial board

Designer and educator Michael Hanula presents his latest work in the Satellite, an exhibition and information point of the Slovak Design Centre in Bratislava. His work is in the Slovak environment a model example of how a designer with an interest in the appreciation of local traditions can successfully work when connected to a place outside the centre.

The exhibition had a number of projects. A small udder – a container in the shape of a cow’s udder, a seat that can be easily put together from several flat pieces, a design of a hanger, which is based on the idea of the Christmas tree utilization after “the date of their consumption.” We will find there a selection of impressive large-lanterns.

A significant part of his work is the theme of the playground. Hanula has already made a number of concrete realizations on request. The fact that his playgrounds go beyond standardized, boring and impersonal sets, common in Slovakia, played in his favour. The game, which is in this area offered, is not only visually interesting (usually the motive of animals), it also includes sounds, movements. It is not only a matter of physical but also intellectual activity.