Washing in the past

Washing in the past

Ivana Tinesová

In the past, washing clothes and linen belonged to the regular activities at home. The garment was usually changed once a week, on Saturday or on Sunday, when farmers thoroughly washed themselves and put on a festive attire. Dirty clothes were put off into the chamber on racks, in a coffer or saved on the floor.

Festive components were not washed at all, or only rarely. Everyday items and bed sheets made of coarse domestic hemp and linen were washed several times a year and always before major holidays (Christmas, Easter).

The older washing method was so called welding with hot water and wood ashes in a special container with a hole in the bottom. Such washing often took two days. The laundry was dried hanging out all around the house on a fence, the wooden rails, or just let the air dry it on the grass. This method of washing, which resulted into the bleached and washed fabric, disappeared after World War II, when people began to use store-bought washing preparations.