Summer with crafts and design

Summer with crafts and design

Helena Veličová

During the academic year almost every art gallery, museum or any other cultural institution offers an educational programme for children and youth (not only them) provided on a regular basis, or made to measure to a specific event. They are attended mainly by school groups (study groups), or families with children. Recently, it was day camps and courses run on working days that had become quite popular. The offer for children and adolescents is indeed very rich. In this contribution we present three projects (Holidays with Crafts/ÚĽUV, Renaissance Children/ KENDU interior design studio and the Slovak Design Centre, the World of Fashion/ Slovak Fashion Council) which were taking place in Bratislava this summer and were aimed at the training of children in design and crafts. They had been outlined as day training/creative camps for children up to the age of 15. Whether they train them in traditional crafts or interior, product and fashion design, they always have a rich programme drafted by professionals in their own branches.