Diana Némethová
The aim of the newest edition of ÚĽUV’s publishing activities is to inspire contemporary creative efforts of young people through using traditional patterns and ornaments taken from a large variety of so far preserved folk culture objects. The first book in this edition is concerned with folk embroideries coming from traditional Slovak clothing articles and traditional textiles. In the introduction, the reader learns how embroidery found its way to traditional clothing. It is followed by pictorial section comprising two pictures on each of a two-page spread: the first is a photo of an original textile or a clothing article from ÚĽUV’s collections housed in the Museum of Folk Art Production (MĽUV) in Stupava, the second one is an illustration of a selected embroidery motive. The book’s editorial team members firmly believe these pictures will be used by the public as an inspiration for their creative artistic efforts, or will give people ideas on how to spend their pastime. Moreover, they could inspire lay producers in the arena of artistic folklorism.