Exhibition Decorated with the Heart

Exhibition Decorated with the Heart

Libuša Jaďuďová

The ÚĽUV Gallery has a new exhibition devoted to ornamentation and decoration fittingly entitled Decorated with the Heart. It has been prepared by curators Libuša Jaďuďová from the Museum of Folk Art Production in Stupava and by Michaela Škodová from the Novohrad Museum and Gallery in Lučenec. The exhibition presents the variability of ornaments from the large number of surviving items of traditional folk culture used in Slovakia and how they can be used in the present day. Various geometrical, plant, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic motifs are presented in this exhibition as they occur in different realisations and variations in almost all groups of materials. The samples of embroidery pattern books which are being presented to the public in this form for the first time are an interesting feature. In addition to the pattern books, the exhibition presents the collections of the Museum of Folk Art Production in Stupava.