Martin Mešša
The effort to simplify or make work easier leads humankind to ever improved and perfected tools and machines, all the way to automatized production or production lines with minimum intervention from people, and this is a natural process. There is no avoiding progress; it can only be deliberately ignored – or a traditional approach can be purposefully and deliberately preserved. Work with wood, whether it is carving with a chainsaw, electric chisel or hand-turned woodwork on an electric lathe remains hand-made work; because the tool is led by a person’s hand, giving the wood a form and shaping it according to a person’s will. The tools themselves make nothing. Without electricity or a compressor, many of them in fact cannot even be used as manual tools. Knowledge and a certain experience still remain necessary in order for people to have the same knowledge about wood as if they were using manual tools. For this reason, it is better first to learn to work with manual tools, and then to use the help of electric or other tools. Another “thing” is the appearance of the product itself.