Editorial board
The idea of starting a journal, or rather, pushing it up to new standards and form was part of the ÚĽUV transformation concept in 1993. The previously published Newsletter for folk artists served only for internal communication with a wide community of produces scattered across the whole Slovakia. We aspired to make its content more attractive, improve the quality and turn the irregularly published company journal into one suited for public commercial distribution with a periodicity of four issues per year. The initial issue of the journal was prepared for print in November 1995 and was called “ÚĽUV”. After a break caused by internal organisational changes we resumed the original idea only in 2000, when the first number of the journal Remeslo, Umenie, Dizajn (RUD) / Craft, Art, Design came out. Its title was to highlight reverting to the original idea of the journal’s orientation, the interplay of art and design. RUD is a medium taking as its mission to search for impulses ripe with positive potential for the orientation of the development of folk art production and their coverage. On the website www.uluv.sk we post summaries of particular numbers. Articles from older editions can be retrieved from the archive. For early 2010 we prepare launching of the Internet form of RUD, including a discussion forum.