Living my life

Living my life

Of the life and work of Dušan Benický

Marta Pastieriková

Some experts call Benický a folk artist. Others would describe his work as amateur or naïve art. He takes himself to be, first and foremost, a sheep man and one who feels an inward need to express oneself also through art means.

In the course of almost forty years he has painted scores of original glass paintings, carved of wood a wealth of artistically adorned shepherd’s dishes, shepherd’s crooks, pistons, toys, furniture and interior accessories but also amazing nativity scenes and statues. Whether a shepherd’s mug or a sculpture – there is a remarkably powerful spiritual dimension to all his works.

To date, the works by Dušan Benický have been presented at more than fifty group exhibitions, domestically and abroad. On the occasion of his anniversary a first solo exhibition was organised in the Bratislava’s Folk Art and Crafts Gallery ÚĽUV offering a representative selection of the master’s works.