Triennial of textile without borders 2012 – 2013

Triennial of textile without borders 2012 – 2013

Adriena Pekárová

The international textile art exhibition was premiered six years ago in The P. M. Bohúň Gallery in Liptovský Mikuláš. Third year of the exhibition was reinstalled in towns of Liptovský Mikuláš, Trenčín and Bratislava.

Third year of the exhibition has undergone several significant changes that organisers decided to do to improve the reputation of the event within art-lovers community. Classical textile forms and techniques, especially specific traditional ones (e.g. art-tex) that provoked the initiation of the exhibition have been now replaced by focusing at space being open to wide range of unique artistic methods of work, experiments and overlapping materials. The jury selected 91 artists (including students) with works starting from traditional wall tapestry and ending with modern free-style art inspired concepts (installations, textile objects, jewellery, video).

The triennial is organised as a competition with prizes for winners. Japan artist Nobuko Koizumi was awarded The Božena Augustínová prize for her artwork Mind that was inspired by the perfection of human mind. The M. A. Bazovský Gallery prize was awarded to Gudrun Bartenberger-Geyer from Austria for her felting technique clothes-object called Wedding of sheep. Karolina Lizurej from Poland received the Student prize for a machine sewn and embroidered “drawing”, the jury members awarded Nina Nisonen from Finland with The Textile artists club prize for her linen and jute felting artwork Snow pearls. Mariane Puschner from Austria received The P. M. Bohúň Gallery prize for installation Here it remains for which she used felting and embroidery making techniques.