Images with children’s charm, smell of the countryside and angel’s blessing

Images with children’s charm, smell of the countryside and angel’s blessing

Irena Pišútová

Such are the paintings on glass by Mrs. Milota Schusterová (1952) of Šahy. What is characteristic of her is the pure, visible joy from creative work, freedom from traditional Slovak folk glass painting patterns but also immense fantasy in selecting the themes. She has found them in the folk milieu of the recent past selecting those which were close to her nature. She started making her first paintings on glass in the years 1997-98. She did not intend to make large scale items but rather images of an intimate format. She is fond of warm colours, with several brown and orange shades, supplemented by the cold pale blue, white or both, according to the need. Her story is set in the natural environment of trees, hills, architecture and animals. In the centre of each image there are small figures, the protagonists, filling the work with the basic content. Her frequent motifs depict countrymen’s petty working activities in which she has discovered special and unique features. She also paints folk architecture, she is interested in the interiors with their tiny characteristics and folklore expressions of traditional Christmas and Easter. She has recently included the motif of angels in her work.