Legend’s comeback

Legend’s comeback

Libuša Jaďuďová

After almost a ten-year gap, the legendary event, Trenčín – the City of Fashion, comes back, still doing its utmost to support the best what is being designed and produced in the clothing and fashion industry in Slovakia. During two days in September, visitors had an opportunity to view products from 130 domestic and overseas exhibitors, comprising renowned brands and designers; smaller clothing and fashion companies were introduced too, as well as creative individuals for whom designing and making dresses is a hobby. Naturally, the Centre for Folk Art Production äÚĽUV) took part in reviving this tradition, becoming a professional guarantor of an accompanying exhibition of traditional clothing. There were almost thirty of such clothing items introduced, representing several localities across Slovakia, coming from the collections of the Museum of Folk Art Production in Stupava. One of the prizes, Zlatá Fatima (Golden Fatima), in the hand-made category, went to Matej Rabada, a blueprint producer cooperating with ÚĽUV.