Ľubica Pavlovičová
Sculptor Jozef Sušienka is a recognised artist in the field of contemporary Slovak ceramics. In 1954, he started to study at the Secondary school of applied arts in Bratislava, in the class headed by prof. Teodor Lugs. After graduation, he was admitted at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. He was a student at the studio of ceramics and porcelain headed by prof. Otto Eckert (1958 – 1964). Prague helped him to learn much about art. Shapes, materials, colours and natural arrangement of Japanese gardens fascinated him and inspired his creative work. After his studies, Sušienka accepted only natural designs, colours, shapes and compositions.
Sušienka makes exterior sculptures for parks, gardens and water areas that are inspired by shapes he sees in nature. He produces various folded or layered verticals – columns, towers and totems. Besides, Sušienka uses nature to design its imitations – mushrooms, flowers, pumpkins and place them to look as growing.
In addition to exterior artworks, Sušienka makes interior designs. He used to design vases and small sculptures to be marketed by state-owned chain of art shops Dielo and purchased into many Slovak households. He always uses the same shapes, colours, details from nature (bark – scales) and natural colours.
Sušienka produces interior objects (vases, jardinieres, decorative plates, table and wall lamps) as well as owls.
He was awarded prominent international and domestic prizes (1972 – Faenza, Italy, golden medal, 1973 – Nagoya, Japan, honourable mention, plaque, 1977 – Piešťany, Sculpture of Piešťany parks, 3rd prize, 1984 – Bratislava, International WWC exhibition – Ceramics and glass in interior design).