Painting as jewellery – jewellery as painting

Painting as jewellery – jewellery as painting

Mária Nepšinská

This exhibition is a joint project of students and graduates of the AFAD from department of painting and department of jewellery and represents collaboration between free style art and applied art. Purpose of the exhibition was breaking the boundaries between them and emphasizing what is specific for both free style art and applied art. Authors were combined into pairs according to what they had in common or according to the contrasts in their artwork. The pairs present an artwork they have produced together and a unique method of creative communication. András Cséfalvay and Jan Michalisko called their joint work Story. Michalisko responds to Cséfalvay´s conceptual text with objects that complete the story. Kristína Šimeková – Lucia Bartková seek connections between 3D jewellery and 2D painting. A wall painting combined with smaller white space jewellery (brooches) is what they produced. The artworks evoke shapes of deformed minerals and rocks. Eva Mikulášová and Andrea Ďurianová prepared a project about communication. Dita Kaplanová and Jana Bálik prepared a project reflecting the name of the exhibition and presenting a short history of jewellery in painting.