Eva Ševčíková
If you decide to take up basket making, or wish to learn more about it, be sure to open the book Basket Making, Tranformations of Willow Tree Twigs. It contains a host of precious information from the history, the variety of production and inspiration for work. But it is mainly a practical manual for those who wish to learn how to make their own products. We talked to the author Ing. Peter Juriga about the motivation for this publication, how it had come to being, but also about the current state of affairs in basket making in Slovakia. He told us about his beginnings as a basket maker, how he wrote his book, about willow tree twigs planting, as well as his activities as a tutor. „My first contemplations about the publications and their graphical design go back to the days of my university studies. Since then I had been thinking how to do it, so that the learning texts, manuals, books and information in them are tranparent, easily understood and legible. It is not an easy task but I had such an ambition also in my own wickerwork and this was the motivation driving me on.“