Branislav Jelenčík
In the article, the author does not talk about secret rituals or about the properties of wood. He reflects on wood as a gift or heritage from our ancestors, and considers the value of material. He considers a dignified approach to wood, expressing awe and respect for its importance to our lineage – that is its valorisation – to be an act of sanctification. Proper recycling is its lowest level. The second level of sanctification is the use of wood in products. He considers the highest level of sanctification to be the transformation of wood through artistic expression, and through craft in particular. He thus invited for a dialogue some sanctifiers of wood – ÚĽUV masters and producers: Jana Majerská, Peter Zoričák, Vincent Bandúr, Ľuboš Straka, Michal Fratrič and Ján Račko. He spoke to each of them and discussed four topics: the impulse behind their craft, their relationship to wood, their sources of inspiration and then a word (message) for others.