Želmíra Šípková
Last year, the Museum of Forestry and Wood in Zvolen and the Centre for Folk Art Production in Bratislava joined their forces to keep records of amateur wood producers, irrespective of having or not having folk culture attributes. Thirteen producers from the region of Podpoľanie were selected to participate in the research and recording activities during the first year. Against all changes in society, it is the activity without women.
Wood is a rather popular activity. Producers in Slovakia pursue three basic careers. Some earn their living by producing wooden products, they do it as a trade, however, without formal training. Another group states they make products upon orders, as their additional source of income or pension. The group usually comprises of older producers with conventional range of household products as well as young producers finding their place at the market. The third groups are producers making wood products as their hobby and free-time activity. They usually get retired which inspire them to start making wood products. They give their products to their friends as gifts.
Majority of producers do not work in suitable working conditions and offer a limited range of products such as small daily use items and cooking utensils. They often produce rakes, scythes, handles and baskets. In addition, they often offer decorative products such as Christian crosses. Tomb and road crosses are very popular in the Detva region. Free-style and decorative production is not very popular among producers, they prefer making copies. Traditional and contemporary hand-made wooden production will remain to be researched.