Nora Čechmánková
The Centre for Folk Art Production in Bratislava started to do film production in the 1990s. The project of video-documenting of traditional productions includes technologies for making products from horn, leather, processes of making basket from rootlets, bulrush, how cast bells were made, coopery and one-piece wood production techniques. The organisation has made 30-minute documentaries; some of them include German and English versions. Film profiles of masters of folk art production have been prepared since 2005. Short presentations describe makers and their work they have been awarded for. Films about individual artists and makers exhibiting their work in the ÚĽUV Gallery form another category of documentaries made in the ÚĽUV. These 7-minute documentaries are presented at each exhibition organised in the gallery. The authors are profiled in terms of their work, perspective on crafts and life and traditions related to the production are explained, too. The ÚĽUV opened a special chapter of its documentaries production by making 3D interactive virtual tour of the Rings in Water competition in 2009. Serving as the service for public and promotion of folk art production, the organisation also publishes books edition including DVD called Eminent personalities. The ÚĽUV uses the documentaries produced in-house for the support and as addition to its educational, exhibition and promotional activities.