Janka Motyčková
What it is the potential of Slovak traditional handicrafts today? Can manufacturers offer a range that would be attractive to current consumer? Can they innovate, or are they rather orthodox hold on to the tried and true approach? For the past seven decades, alongside other key roles, ÚĽUV has also played the role of guarantor of the quality of folk art products offered under its own brand. Since its inception up until the recent past, it has worked very closely with artists and designers who have significantly contributed to the quality and aesthetics of folk art products. In 2010 it created the project titled “Open Studio”, which is de facto, a tool for organizing contractual relations with external designers, schools and manufacturers of folk art products. Its main objective is the search for a new aesthetic appreciation of traditional folk art, enriching the existing forms of new ones. In other words – ideas of designers for folk manufacturers, while ÚĽUV should play the role of mediator in this process and also ensure that everything is implemented lawfully.