75th anniversary of ÚĽUV

75<sup>th</sup> anniversary of ÚĽUV

Monika Mikušiaková

Since 1945, ÚĽUV has been carrying out and supporting activities leading to the preservation and development of traditional crafts, folk art production, and continuing to bring them to the public. It manages regional craft centres, performs museum, documentary, exhibition and publishing activities. In cooperation with producers and designers, it continuously encourages the creation of new works. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of ÚĽUV’s foundation, we had intended to let the ÚĽUV Gallery in Bratislava “ring out” in April 2020 with the unique exhibition Masters of Musical Instruments. Unfortunately, like most institutions, we were also forced to close our doors in March, and due to the coronavirus pandemic we had to temporarily stop our celebrations and move online. For this reason, we used our favourite format: promotional videos. Our English and Slovak versions recapitulate ÚĽUV’s basic activities and present them to the public in a modern manner.