Jarmila Rybánska, Diana Némethová
Following the two popular editions of books for children entitled Huncút v regióne [Cheeky boy in the region of…] and “Ako sa kedysi…”[How we used to…], the ÚĽUV publishing house is bringing a new extensive series entitled Poznávajme remeslá [Let’s discover crafts]. The first volume in the series is the book Textilné techniky I. [Textile techniques I.], where children readers can find out more about diagonal knitting, knitting on a mould and warp knitting, as well about weaving on a frame and on a board.
This new series will enable children from the age of nine to discovered traditional craft techniques and made their own product. The authors intend to select craft techniques and home-made production techniques which children can manage, sometimes with the help of older siblings or parents. The chosen techniques can also be used in lessons in primary schools, because each requires a maximum of two teaching hours to master. Traditional techniques in the book are integrated into a modern setting with a description of their origins, the material used and their use in everyday life. The books are richly illustrated by the young illustrator Zuzana Krutá, going under the pseudonym of Dreadka, whose attractive pictures made the contents more enticing. The font in the book is big enough for children to be able to read it themselves. The book also boasts many photographs of the production process for each technique.