Martin Mešša
The Centre of Folk Art Production presented visitors with many significant producers of folk musical and sound instruments during the Days of Musical Instruments event in June of this year. They were presented both as producers as well as players. These are many significant producers of folk musical instruments such as Tibor Koblíček (ninera – a violin-type instrument played with a handle, pan-pipes, chalumenau, bagpipes, small bagpipes, cithara and violin), Michal Fiľo (chalumenaux, ends and pan-pipes), Drahomír Daloš (chalumenaux, pan-pipes and bagpipes), master producer of chalumenaux and pan-pipes Pavol Bielčik, and Peter Sobota with drumbľa (a string-type instrument played by the mouth) and pan-pipes. The specialist conference provided an opportunity for considering the place of folk musical instruments and their musical as well as aesthetical values in traditional folk culture as well as contemporary life, and also about the possibilities for producing them and the use of modern techniques when producing musical quality instruments, and the message that is left for us to understand in folk museums.