Milena Slováková
The nation-wide competitions of crafts created by children and youth entitled In the Realm of Crafts (V krajine remesiel) 2013 was organised in cooperation between ÚĽUV and the Liptov Cultural Centre in Liptovský Mikuláš. Both organisations joined their forces and the result of this cooperation was 492 registered competition entries from all over Slovakia. The aim of the competition is to inspire the interest of children and young people in traditional crafts, enhance their cultural identity and support their artist creativity and manual skills. Also in this year of the competition, participants could compete in two age categories: 8 – 11 years and 12 – 15 years and could choose from six themes divided according to the material (woodcarving, wirework, textile techniques, painting on glass, weaving and knitting and free art category).
Participants could enter the competition as representatives of their school/organisation, or as individuals. The jury awarded 30 prizes and 26 honorary mentions.