nakolene / makeshift

nakolene / makeshift

Katarína Trnovská

The platform has in its records another project joining together tradition with contemporary design. After the exhibition entitled “the open atelier” that took place last year, the authors decided to shift away from applied design towards experiment with materials and technologies. Visitors of the Design Studio ÚĽUV could get the proof about the quality of the results of testing of traditional craft techniques as well as new digital technologies from the 5th of May until the 9th of June 2013, during the exhibition nakolene / makeshift.

The exhibition was preceded by two intense workshops – the workshop nakolene was led by Braňo Hrebík who introduced the participants to basic properties of wood, its preparation, treatment, surface trimming, decorative techniques and basic construction joints, and the workshop makeshift which was prepared in cooperation with Matej Korytár and in which designers tested the possibilities of online tools in creating 3D small utility objects.