Eva Ševčíková
Within the Regional Centre of Crafts at ÚĽUV Bratislava work various clubs of crafts in which alumni as well as lecturers of craft courses, together with other interested participants, meet in their free time to exchange experience and organise common presentations. The club members strive to fulfil their artistic ambitions and ÚĽUV strives to support their creative activities. Four of these clubs will present selected works of their members at the common exhibit The Club Season (the 8th of August – the 12th of October).
The oldest club are Priadky (Spinners). Its membership consists of women who graduated from various courses of lace making. The first years of their activity were focused on mutual exchange of experiences in perfecting their lace making technique. Later their focus shifted on learning about regional lace making differences.
The Society of Developed Imagination SPOROFA, is another club affiliated with RCR ÚĽUV Bratislava. It was established as a voluntary non-profit civil association of people who are interested in artistic woodcarving, but also in its practical utilisation. Members of the club are amateur artisans and artists and the outcomes of their work are sculptures, reliefs as well as shepherds’ pipes, traditional drinking mugs or other wooden artefacts.
The club of wireworkers Džarek has active members too. The first year of its existence they focused on learning of traditional wire working techniques, later they also started to make wire sculptures.
Also several of the members of the Club of Friends of Painting on glass will present their art at the common exhibit of the clubs.