Eva Románková
At the joint experts‘ meeting in Vienna in June 2013 working on the implementation of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage at national levels it was suggested to elaborate a joint nomination for the blue print production technology and submit it to the UNESCO Representational List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The would-be nomination was supported by Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Germany. A condition for such an entering is continuity of tradition and its viability as well entering it in the national lists of intangible cultural heritage of all participating countries.
The nomination of the blue print production technology for the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Traditional Folk Culture of the Czech Republic was elaborated by the National Institute of Folk Culture in Strážnice. The conditions specified for the registering also require a consent by the owners of the item, i.e., consent by blue print manufacturers and owners of blue print workshops.
At present there are only two working blue print workshops in the Czech Republic: Jiří Danzinger in Olešnice and František Joch in Strážnice.
In case of a positive answer by the international commission, approval of such a registry means a number of obligations for the owners of the item, the participating institutions and the country. The owners of the blue print production technology have, therefore, asked for a time to think it over and decided to consider the possibility of its nomination for the world list carefully at first.