The international land art festival in Croatia
Tibor Uhrín
Croatian sculptor Nikola Faller and his schoolmates and local artists from the village of Lug near Osijek organised the initial sculptural „straw“ event in the summer 2006. The enthusiasts established non-governmental organisation „Straw“ seeking to promote creative skills of society. The event became an international event as soon as in the 2007. Thetitle of the event changed to Straw land art festival. A week-long workshop at a plain field at the natural reservation Kopački rit which belongs to Baranja region in the Osjek-Baranja county ends with a weekend festival. This popular event attended by five thousands visitors each year includes the opening of the exhibition of straw artworks, entertainment at a straw stage and a fair.
Fifth festival was organised this year. Participants were invited to deliver their concepts and requirements for materials before the actual event. Artists and students from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Norway, Hungary, Mexico and Slovakia participated in the event. They worked at a plain field and used straw, cord, wood and iron bars. Local farmers helped when professional and physical aid was required. Several exceptional artworks were produced at this year of the Straw festival.