To make it clean again…

To make it clean again…

Eva Ševčíková

Care of the wide palette of materials applied in folk clothes requires excellent skills and very good knowledge. By applying a wrong procedure, they can be irretrievably damaged. Monika Hanečková-Popovičová, MA, restorer at the Museum of Folk Art Production in Stupava (MĽUV) has been talking about the ups and downs of professional material care. She came to the museum as an undergraduate and, as the first employee of the conservation workshop, was in charge of its furnishings and the consequent launch.

Professional care of traditional clothes and textiles in a specialised conservation place of work is not a frequent feature of Slovak museums. In this case, we are dealing with a very demanding group of materials having their own specific qualities. Monika cleans and gives a refreshed appearance to headdresses, sleeves and various other items of traditional clothing, including other textiles.