Huncút in the Turiec region

Huncút in the Turiec region

Huncút in the Turiec region


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Publication author
Jana Mládek Rajniaková, Diana Némethová
ISBN 978-80-89639-30-4
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ÚĽUV for children
Počet strán
About product

Workbook for the youngest students. Through entertaining and educational activities, it introduces children to the traditional folk culture of the region. Through typical traditional objects, children can learn about patterns, shapes, and materials characteristic of the region. It includes coloring pages, cutouts, fill-in-the-blank exercises, giving children the opportunity to compare and classify geometric shapes and practice fine motor skills.

Compiled by: Jana Mládek Rajniaková, Diana Némethová, illustrated by David Dzurňák.

Published by the Centre for Folk Art Production in Bratislava, a state-funded organization established by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, in 2016.