Mihok Tomáš

ÚĽUV master
ÚĽUV master

Mihok Tomáš

production, sales
Place of work
Kurima (okres Bardejov), Prešov region
More about the producer
Jeho otec, dedo i pradedo boli kováči, no skôr než ho ohnivé remeslo mohlo chytiť naplno, prišiel zákaz prevádzkovania živností v 50. rokoch a on si k nemu nevytvoril vzťah. Oheň si ho však predsa len našiel. Ako učiteľ Základnej školy v Marhani sa roku 1976 zoznámil so Štefanom Tomečkom z neďalekej osady Dubie, učiteľom na dôchodku, ktorý sa venoval...
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Products approved by the Commission

Products approved for further expansion under the ÚĽUV trademark are documented and preserved in ÚĽUV funds.

Are you interested in the author's products?

Original author's products sold under the ÚĽUV brand. The products mostly come from a smaller workshop with limited production capacity. We ship products that are currently available within 5-14 days of receiving the order. If you are interested in a larger quantity of products than our current stock, we will be happy to discuss the delivery date with you individually. Selected products can only be picked up in person in our stores
